Lead For Clarity

Tirelessly Growing in Leadership

Shandel Sutherland MCC, Melanie Montgomery MA, John Scott Sutherland DDS Season 4 Episode 46

Cody Coles joins Shandel and Melanie this week to talk about his journey of leadership development. Cody shares his experience transitioning from a more tactical role to leading, coaching and teaching others and the challenges along the way. He learned the importance of modeling the vulnerability and behaviors that he wanted to develop within his team and showing them the impact that these changes can have. 

Leadership development and Emotional Intelligence are like exercise - you need to continuously build the muscle in order to build long-lasting success. Investing in your up-and-coming leaders creates an ROI for the business, team and individual both inside and outside of the workplace. This is evident as Cody shares his journey to not only becoming a better leader, but also a better husband, friend and family member!

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